Council is pleased to announce the results of the 2023 Never Never Ward Supplementary Election, as we extend congratulations to Edna Iles on her election as the new Councillor for Never Never Ward.
Roper Gulf Regional Council is proud to be partnering with The Y NT Remote Pool Programs to support the safe operation of community pools in Ngukurr and Borroloola.
In an impressive feat, Roper Gulf Regional Council has successfully lead a ground breaking feral pig management and removal program in the communities of Numbulwar and Ngukurr last month.
‘Real Jobs through Community Projects’, a groundbreaking initiative designed to empower job seekers in the region commenced on 01 July 2023 across the Roper Gulf Region.
Five candidates have been announced for the Roper Gulf Regional Council, Never Never Ward by-election with voting polls open from Monday 2 October to Thursday 5 October 2023.
Community groups, individuals and organisations in the Roper Gulf region are invited to make their project a reality through Council’s Community Grants Program, which opens today.
On Saturday 2 September Roper Gulf Regional Council and Bradford Institute won the award for Industry Collaboration of the Year at the NT Training Awards, a night dedicated to recognizing training excellence across the Territory.
The ‘Council Cup Clash’ was held on Saturday 26 August at the Katherine Showgrounds between the Beswick Bears, representing Roper Gulf Regional Council and the Timber Creek Lions, representing Victoria Daly Regional Council in a showdown game of AFL.
Nyirranggulung Councillor Helen Lee has become the Roper Gulf Regional Council's new Deputy Mayor having been elected by her fellow Councillors at today’s Ordinary Meeting of Council.
In August 2023, Roper Gulf Regional Council partnered with Ellie Hannon and Numburindi Arts to create a NAIDOC Week inspired art mural under the theme of 'For Our Elders' as part of the Youth Reconnect program.
Roper Gulf Regional Council will hold a by-election for the vacant Councillor position in the Never Never Ward next month following the resignation of Judy MacFarlane. The by-election is coordinated by the NT Electoral Commission.
The Numbulwar Roper Gulf Regional Council teams from Age Care, CDP, Municipal, and Sport and Recreation have all banded together to support and empower one of our Age Care clients Henry (Jack) Huddleston.
Roper Gulf Regional Council would like to congratulate the ten individuals who graduated from their Certificate III in Community Services studies last Friday.
Last week our Animal Program Manager/Vet nurse Kay spent the week working with the fabulous East Arnhem Vet team in Gapuwiyak as a learning exchange between our neighbouring Councils.
This Regional Plan is our action plan for the upcoming financial year, where we have captured what work needs to be done by Council to make our region a better place for residents, staff, businesses, visitors and the environment.
At its Ordinary Meeting of Council on Wednesday 21 June 2023, Roper Gulf Regional Council made a resolution to support the ‘Yes’ vote in the National Referendum for the First Nations Voice to Parliament.
Barunga Festival was a weekend of music, culture and sport enjoyed by thousands of people from all around, with the sporting section of the event commencing with an exceptionally special dedication.