
View a list of upcoming dates and decisions made previously by the Council. Find out how Council meetings work and how you can get involved

Council Meetings

The Council meets every second month at various locations across the Roper Gulf region for its Ordinary Meeting of Council (OMC). If you're interested in seeing Council at work or have a request for the Council, members of the public can attend the open session of the Council Meeting. Anyone is welcome to attend these meetings.

Details of upcoming meeting dates are provided on the Upcoming Meetings page. 


Agendas are available three (3) business days before the meeting is scheduled. They are published in the Council Meetings page. If you would like an item added to the agenda, please click here.

Printed copies are made available for the public at Council Meetings for reference.


A copy of the minutes will be published on our website within 10 business days after the meeting.

Minutes marked as 'unconfirmed' indicate that the minutes are complete, but will not be confirmed as a correct record until the following meeting adopts them. They will still be available for download.

What's in this section

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Council Meetings

View all agendas and minutes for our Ordinary Meetings of Council here

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Upcoming Meetings

All upcoming Council, Committee and Local Authority meetings are listed here