Awarded Tenders and Public Quotations

Explore tenders and public quotations that have been awarded to preferred suppliers.

Mataranka Aged Care Facility – Upgrade Facilities Including New KitchenAwarded

Bulman Dump Road UpgradesAwarded

Bulman Staff HousingAwarded

Mataranka Wastewater Management System - Stage TwoAwarded

Construction of Mataranka Dump PointAwarded

Construction of Urapunga Community HallAwarded

Construction of Dump PointAwarded

Barunga Playground SoftfallAwarded

Supply and Install Softfall and Shade Structure - JilkmingganAwarded

Anyula Street Upgrade Stage 1 - BorroloolaAwarded

Supply of Waste CompactorsAwarded

Supply of Kubota Skid Steer Loader, RTVs, and MowersAwarded

Supply of Backhoe LoadersAwarded

Supply of Toyota Hilux and Toyota SLWB Commuter Awarded

Supply of Truck and TipperAwarded

Construction of Steel Shade Structure at BarungaAwarded

Supply of Toyota LandCruisers for FleetAwarded

Ngukurr - Nulawan Road Pavement RehabilitationAwarded

Borroloola Recycling ShedAwarded

Water Tank and ConnectionsAwarded