Big Rivers Region

You’ll find us, where the big rivers run

The Big Rivers region begins south of Kakadu National Park encompassing Pine Creek, then extends over 500km south to Kalkarindji and stretches across the width of the Territory between the Western Australia and Queensland borders. The region is significant in scale, covering over 360,000 square kilometres.

The Roper Gulf region encompasses 201,000 square kilometres of the Big Rivers region. 

East of Katherine lies the unspoilt wilderness of the Roper Gulf, where the ochre dirt and bull dust meet the saltwater country of Australia’s Gulf of Carpentaria.

You’ll already know the crystal clear waters of the Mataranka Springs surrounded by the shade of pandanus and paperbarks in the Elsey National Park, or one of Australia’s most renowned remote rivers, the Roper.

The Roper Gulf is home to some of Australia’s most infamous cattle stations with larger than life personalities and remote Aboriginal communities, where 65,000 year old song lines, connection to country and culture remains alive and strong.