Quick snapshot
755 people reside in Borroloola with a median age of 32 years old (Census 2021)
The people of Borroloola speak Garrwa, Yanyuwa, Gudanji and English
Borroloola Council Office: 167 Robinson Road, Borroloola NT 0854
Phone: (08) 8278 0049
Postal Address: PO BOX 421, Borroloola, NT 0854
The township of Borroloola is located 670 kilometres east-south-east of Katherine. It is one of the largest communities in the Roper Gulf region with a population of 755 people. Borroloola includes four town camps within its boundary – Garawa Camp One, Garawa Camp Two, Yanyula Camp and Mara Camp.

This information is sourced from the Northern Territory Government and is available on BushTel.
Service Type | Available | Details |
Regular Transport Service | Yes | (08) 8971 0774 |
Fuel | Yes | Opal and Diesel available in the community. Puma fuel cards accepted |
Commercial Accommodation | Yes | (08) 89758734 (08) 8975 8883 |
Community Store | Yes | There are several shops located in Borroloola |
Airstrip | Yes | Borroloola Aerodrome (sealed) (located approximately 1.5km south of Borroloola) |
Health Centre | Yes | Primary Health Care delivered by Top End Health Service (08) 8975 8757 |
Alcohol | Yes | Borroloola Township is unrestricted. Borroloola town camps (Mara, Yanyula, Garawa 1 and Garawa 2) are Alcohol Protected Areas with alcohol restrictions in effect |
Police Station | Yes | Borroloola Police Station (08) 8975 8770 |
School | Yes | Borroloola School (08) 8975 8780 |
Council Service Delivery Centre | Yes | Council Office located at 167 Robinson Road, Borroloola NT 0854 |
Mobile Phone, Internet & Radio | Yes | Borroloola has Telstra 4G telephone and internet coverage |
Post Office | Yes | Located at 305 Robinson Road, Borroloola |
Early Childcare Centre | Yes | |
Aged Care Centre | Yes |
Borroloola may be accessed via the Carpentaria Highway which is a sealed, all-weather, single lane road. It is approximately seven (7) hours drive from Katherine. Borroloola is also located on the Savannah Way which links Cairns in Northern Queensland and Broome in Western Australia. The road east is an unsealed road and can be subject to closures in the wet season. The Tablelands Highway also links Tennant Creek.
Borroloola may also be accessed via chartered small aircraft. It is approximately two (2) kilometres from the Borroloola Airstrip to the Town Centre and a short walk to the Council office. Furthermore, there is a barge landing 40 kilometres from Borroloola which is functional only when weather conditions are suitable.
Local Authority
An integral part of the community consultation process in Borroloola occurs through Borroloola Local Authority Meetings. The Local Authority is made up of the Elected Member/s who sit on Council for the South West Gulf Ward and are nominated representatives from the community. All stakeholders in Borroloola are invited to attend the Local Authority Meetings. The resolutions made at these meetings form the basis of all planning made by Roper Gulf Regional Council.
To attend a Borroloola Local Authority Meeting, click here
To view our Local Authority Meeting dates, agendas and minutes, click here
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