The Community Night Patrol program aims to improve levels of community safety and promote culturally appropriate conflict dispute resolution in remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.
Council is supported by the National Indigenous Australians Authority (NIAA) to deliver the Community Night Patrol program in Barunga, Beswick, Borroloola, Bulman, Jilkminggan, Manyallaluk, Mataranka, Ngukurr, Numbulwar and Urapunga. Services are also provided in Minyerri and Robinson River, through contracts with the local Aboriginal Corporations.

The delivery of the Community Night Patrol has been developed in consultation with each community to meet their individual safety priorities through non-coercive intervention strategies. This gives each Night Patrol team the ability to respond flexibly to community safety needs. Consultation with each community is constant and ongoing to ensure that the Community Night Patrol program remains relevant and current to community needs.
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