Roper Gulf Regional Council will hold a by-election for the vacant Councillor position in the Never Never Ward next month following the resignation of Judy MacFarlane. The by-election is coordinated by the NT Electoral Commission.
Nomination requirements
Nominations for the by-election open on Monday 21 August 2023 and close at 12 noon sharp on Friday 01 September 2023. Late nominations will not be accepted. All completed nominations should be sent to
Candidates must be enrolled in the Roper Gulf Regional Council, Never Never ward. The candidate must be nominated by an elector also enrolled in the Roper Gulf Regional Council, Never Never ward.
If you are interested in nominating as a candidate in a local government election please review the following links.
Please read the candidate handbook, which outline responsibilities and requirements for anyone interested in becoming a candidate.
Once you are familiar with these requirements you can complete the nomination form.
Check your enrolment
If you live in Mataranka, Mulggan Camp, Jilkminggan, Minyerri (Hodgson Downs), Larrimah or Daly Waters you will need to check your enrolment and update your details before the close of roll on Thursday 24 August.
You can check your current electoral enrolment by entering your details on the Australian Electoral Commission's website
You can enrol or update your enrolment via the following:
- Enrol online (enrol for the first time or get back on the roll)
- Update my enrolment online (if you have moved house, changed your name or want to update your contact details)
- Print an enrolment form
- Receive an enrolment form:
- Visit the NT Electoral Commission Darwin office or contact us
- Visit any regional council office
Voting options
To see voting information for the Never Never War by-election, please click here.