All Staff Teams Meeting a Success

Multiple screens in a teams meeting

Today, for the first time in our Council's history, we held a virtual Teams meeting with the whole organisation!

With over 300 staff across 201,000 square kilometres and 11 Council Offices, we recognise how important it is to connect all of our employees and to come together as one team.

We have never been able to do this due to a number of challenges (distance, service issues and old technology) however our IT department have been working hard to upgrade the technology in every Council Office so we can host meetings such as these.

Facilitated by the Chief Executive Officer Marc Gardner from our Katherine Support Centre, we had staff join the meeting from Ngukurr, Numbulwar, Bulman, Barunga, Beswick, Jilkminggan and Mataranka.

It was great to see that the technology held up to the challenge and we look forward to making these meetings a regular occurrence at Roper Gulf Regional Council.

Media Contact:

Bethany O’SULLIVAN | Communications Coordinator | (08) 8972 9024