NAIDOC Week Soccer Match in Borroloola

Group photo on a soccer field

On Friday 8 July, a group from the Youth Reconnect and Sport and Recreation Programs in Borroloola attended the McArthur River Mine for a game of soccer.

Steve McAllen is Council's Community Safety Coordinator in Borroloola and said the players from community were very excited to play the game but also just as excited to see the mine.

"I would like to thank McArthur River Mine and Rebecca Gentle for a great night out at the McArthur River Mine on Friday the 8th of July. The whole team really enjoyed their time at MRM and we hope to continue with regular matches between MRM and Borroloola," Steve said.

This picture was taken when the game was over after the Borroloola community team kicked the last goal of the day to win the game.


Media Contact:

Bethany O’SULLIVAN | Communications Coordinator | (08) 8972 9024