Roper Gulf Regional Council is pleased to announce that the community playground in Jilkminggan has been completed after three years of planning.
The idea for the community playground was raised by local members at a Jilkminggan Local Authority meeting in 2017 and was jointly funded by the Jilkminggan Local Authority and Roper Gulf Regional Council.
Local Authorities were formed to achieve integration and ensure the involvement of remote communities in the system of Local Government and Roper Gulf Regional Council have seen many benefits of this integration between Council and community members.
Local Authority meetings focus on Council’s commitment to provide accessible and inclusive opportunities for residents to help shape decisions that affect their community directly.
These meetings also provide an opportunity for local community members to give advice to the Council on service delivery plans, including infrastructure requirements for communities and to contribute to the development of Council’s Regional Plans.
The Council’s commitment to ensuring community participation in decision-making at Local Authority meetings will be further strengthened in 2021, with six rounds of meetings scheduled to take place in all Roper Gulf communities.
The Jilkminggan Playground is a result of this integration and Council look forward to continuing to work with Local Authorities on developing future projects in the Roper Gulf region.
“Local Authorities as a community representative forum of Council are proving to be integral in the success of the Council achieving community priorities and creating valuable community infrastructure like the Jilkminggan Playground for our residents”, said Marc Gardner, Acting CEO of Roper Gulf Regional Council.
“We are proud that we are able to support our communities and develop playgrounds that meet the needs of our most valuable citizens – the children”.
It is great to see that after three years of planning, the playground is now fully operational and is being used by the younger community members in their school holidays.
For more information about our Local Authorities, or to become a member, please head to our Local Authorities page.
For further information, please contact Roper Gulf Regional Council on (08) 8972 9000