Eight Roper Gulf Regional Council staff that converged on the classroom to help improve safety in their respective communities have been lauded at a special Charles Darwin University graduation ceremony on November 24.
The staff, who are based in Borroloola, Ngukurr, Beswick, Barunga, Manyallaluk and Jilkminggan, completed the Certificate III in Community Night Patrol and were presented with their qualification in front of more than 300 people at the CDU event, which was held at Katherine’s Godinymayin Yijard Rivers Arts and Culture Centre.
Community Night Patrols play a vital part in minimising antisocial behaviour and alcohol abuse in 11 communities in the Roper Gulf region, and Chief Executive Officer Michael Berto said the qualification provided the staff with a nationally recognised pathway to add capacity to the Council’s service delivery.
“Community Night Patrol is an extremely important part of what Council does in our remote communities on behalf of the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet,” he explained.
“It is more often than not the first line of defence against antisocial behaviour and promoting community safety, which comes with a complex set of challenges made tougher by the tyranny of distance.
“Our Community Night Patrol staff are seen as role models in their communities, and the eight that graduated this week now have a formal qualification that adds to the skills they have learned in the course of their duties.”
The graduates are Alistair Andrews, Dwayne Gordon, Nicodemus Farrell, Vanessa McCale, Adrian Doctor, John Sigai, Ian Daylight and Russell Agalara.
For further information, please contact the Communications Coordinator on 0419 891 666 or at roper.governance@ropergulf.nt.gov.au.