Ngukurr Road and Footpath Plan

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Calm roads and safe footpaths – a new traffic plan for Ngukurr

Roper Gulf Regional Council has announced the development of a plan to build safe road and pedestrian links between the Ngukurr School and Shop areas. The key parts of the plan are;

  • development of a heavy transport hub and loading area on the edge of town;
  • building 400 metre pedestrian path linking the school, shop and civic facilities;
  • provision of new parking bays and pedestrian and storm water culvert crossings at the School and Shop;
  • 6 new solar street lights along the pedestrian path;
  • upgrades to Rainbow Street curbs, drainage and footpaths; and
  • planting 700 Indigenous medicine and food trees along the path and roads.

This substantial works program is a response to a recent Council road safety audit which highlighted safety issues and infrastructure improvements in Ngukurr which is home to more than 1300 people.

This regional town has experienced rapid development and an increase in vehicle traffic usage in recent years. This is damaging the integrity and safety of local roads. Much of the traffic movement in this largely pedestrian town is around the school and shop precinct and there is little separation of pedestrians and vehicle traffic.

Roper Gulf Regional Council Mayor Tony Jack, outlined the project plan saying,

“The town’s civic precinct runs from the School to the Shop and includes most of our community facilities. This is also one of the main roads into town. New housing along Rainbow Street also has increased the risk of vehicle and pedestrian accidents due to increased number of vehicles and pedestrians using the street which has no footpaths.

These minor roads were built for a much smaller town and never designed to carry current traffic loads. They are little more than sealed tracks, not formed or built to industry standard ... simply dust suppression measures from the last era of Local Government. We want to keep Ngukurr as a safe walking town by getting pedestrians off roads onto footpaths.

Speed limits of less than 20 kph are not enough in isolation we need traffic calming design to separate vehicles and pedestrians.

Our aim is to have a low vehicle walking town where heavy vehicles need not enter and children and others can safely walk to school, shop and other community facilities.” the Mayor said.

The Ngukurr pedestrian traffic plan will roll out as funding becomes available and with further consultation with the Ngukurr Community. The project is planned to start early in the 2015.

For further details please direct your enquiries to Michael Berto, CEO Roper Gulf Regional Council on 08 8972 9000.


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