A brand new day for a new citizen at Ngukurr.
With the early morning sun rising bringing promise of a hot October day to follow, Ampro Tuddaa Lavender became a new citizen of Australia at a ceremony held at Ngukurr at the end of October 2014.
Mrs. Lavender is the first person to undertake a citizenship ceremony in Ngukurr and the second person to undertake it with the Roper Gulf Regional Council.
Ampro lives and works in Ngukurr, the iconic town on the banks of the Roper River and was thrilled to be able to take her oath in her home town.
Deputy Mayor Judy Macfarlane who conducted the ceremony said,
“We are expecting more people to apply for citizenship ceremonies to be held in our region and we are all excited about being able to welcome new Australians here in the Roper Gulf region”,
“Citizenship is our common bond uniting Australians whether your heritage is first Australian, Australian born or more recent arrivals.
Our rich heritage stems from the contributions made by all of us.
We join in welcoming new citizens,” she said.
For further details please direct your enquiries to Michael Berto, CEO Roper Gulf Regional Council on 08 8972 9000.