Lorraine Bennett the Remote Schools Attendance Scheme supervisor for Beswick is going to Canberra at the end of May as part of a nine person group to meet with the Prime Minister’s Indigenous advisory Council and the Prime Minister. The meeting is to report on the progress of the Remote Schools Attendance Strategy.
Lorraine is a tireless worker for her town and community of Beswick and is one of only two representatives from the Northern Territory invited to attend the meeting.
The RSAS has been in place in a number of Roper Gulf Schools since the start of term 1 and aims to improve school attendance by supporting parents and students to be ready and at school on time. The Scheme, funded by the Commonwealth Government is being administered within the Roper Gulf Region by Roper Gulf Regional Council and the Remote Jobs in Community Program.
Lorraine supervises three other school attendance workers soon to be extended to five. As well as her supervisors role Lorraine has a long association with the Wugularr School and is active on the School Council, the Bugula Women’s group and a number of other community groups.
She describes the opportunity to meet with the Indigenous advisory Committee as “..Awesome… a wonderful opportunity to talk about the good things we are doing.” “… We have been working really hard and are seeing improving attendance and parent involvement in their children’s education. This is so important in our communities”
For further details please direct your inquiries to Michael Berto, CEO Roper Gulf Regional Council on 08 8972 9000.