RGSC Tony Jack – The Only Indigenous Representation on the ALGA Board

Roper Gulf Regional Council Logo

The National General Assembly of Local Government is currently underway in Canberra. This event is organised annually by the Australian Local Government Association and is the peak gathering of Local Government in Australia. The General Assembly provides an annual forum for Local Government leaders to meet and discuss national and local issues effecting local Government. The General Assembly also provides opportunity to meet with senior Government and industry representatives over the three days of the Assembly.

Roper Gulf Sire Council’s Mayor Tony Jack is currently a Vice President of the Local Government Association of the Northern Territory and a Director of the Australian Local Government Association. His representation on this board provides for an increased opportunity to raise national recognition of issues both positive and negative affecting remote areas of the Northern Territory.

Mayor Jack speaking about the opportunity of the National General Assembly said, “This is an important National General Assembly coming before an important constitutional referendum and Federal Election. Local Government is also changing the way it does business. Too often rural and remote local government is forgotten in the deliberation of Government but here we have a chance to promote the interest and issues of our remote communities.”

Mayor Jack and Roper Gulf Shire CEO Michael Berto are attending the Conference representing the Roper Gulf Shire Council. This conference has given RGSC Council Mayor Tony Jack the opportunity to meet with the Prime Minister, Julia Gillard and senior Government Ministers, Opposition Frontbenchers and industry leaders.

A large number of motions for the conference will presented at the National General Assembly including a motion proposed by Roper Gulf Shire Council related to the promotion of a National Container Deposit Scheme.

For further information, please direct your inquiries to Michael Berto, CEO Roper Gulf Shire Council on 08 8972 9000 or email: michael.berto@ropergulf.nt.gov.au


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