Three men and a horse walked into a bar… Why did the bush turkey cross the road…? Did you hear the one about…?
No I am just gammin, the script may be still being written, but for sure laughter will ring out in Bulman at the inaugural Bulman Barrel of Laughs - a free comedy and fun event to be held in Bulman on the evening of Friday 18th October.
This unique event, to be hosted by well known Australian comedian Sean Choolburra, comes with a positive message highlighting the issues of gambling which is causing serious damage in both remote Indigenous and urban communities. The night promises comedy, other entertainment, a free BBQ and information on managing problem gambling.
Sean Choolburra is an Indigenous comedian well known around the “top end” for his sharp culturally appropriate comedy.
Sean is excited about the event, “I am really looking forward to the show and especially getting some good Bulman bush tucker” “I have been to Bulman before and I love the place. That Bulman Mob have a great sense of fun and humour when you get to know them …., I might even bring my didge” he said.
The Bulman Barrel of Laughs is sponsored by the Roper Gulf Shire Council, the Northern Territory Government through the Community Benefits fund, the Gulin Gulin Store, Amity Community Services and the I Talk library.
Roper Gulf Shire Council Mayor Tony Jack praised the initiative saying that, “Gambling is becoming a real issue in remote communities and leading to lasting harm for many families. Small rural communities are often forgotten in tackling gambling because gambling is still largely seen only related to the mainstream gaming like poker machines and racing, but we are seeing large amounts of money disappearing in our communities and families struggling because of it. It is also behind a lot of the trouble in our small towns… Using humour and fun is a great way to get a positive message across.”
This is our small part of raising awareness in a positive way. It is hoped that this may become a bit of a model for other campaigns in rural communities.
The Bulman Barrel of Laughs is primarily directed to people living in Bulman and the surrounding area.
For further details or to arrange interviews with Mayor Jack please direct your inquiries to Michael Berto, CEO Roper Gulf Shire Council on 08 8972 9000.