The fourth sitting Council for the Roper Gulf region have elected Tony Jack from the South West Gulf Ward as Mayor of Roper Gulf Regional Council.
The new Council sat for the first time today, Wednesday 29 September 2021, with its inaugural order of business to appoint a Mayor and Deputy Mayor to lead the thirteen (13) Councillors.
After a secret ballot, the Council resolved to make Councillor Tony Jack its Mayor for the term of Council and Councillor Judy MacFarlane from the Never Never Ward its Deputy Mayor for a two (2) year term, with a new Deputy Mayor to be elected after two (2) years.
Mayor Tony Jack was previously the Mayor of Roper Gulf Regional Council from 2008- 2017 and said his focus this term will be on working closely with all thirteen (13) Councillors, the Chief Executive Officer and the senior management team to see decisions carried out across the region.
“I am very grateful for the opportunity to represent the Roper Gulf region and thank my fellow Councillors for putting their trust in me to lead this new Council.
“As Mayor of Roper Gulf Regional Council, I look forward to the important tasks we have before us, of continuing to improve and enhance the Roper Gulf region to ensure the best quality of life for our communities, and of supporting and advocating for our people.
“It will be my privilege to lead our Council for the next four years”, Mayor Jack said.
Deputy Mayor Judy MacFarlane said that as the outgoing Mayor, she is determined to see unfinished projects completed across the entire Roper Gulf region.
“As Deputy Mayor, I will continue to work hard for all communities and townships within the Roper Gulf region to ensure projects that were started by the previous Council are completed”, said Deputy Mayor MacFarlane.
Council’s Acting Chief Executive Officer Marc Gardner welcomed the new Council through an official swearing in ceremony at today’s meeting and said the organisation is looking forward to working closely with all thirteen (13) Elected Members.
“I would like thank Councillor Judy MacFarlane and Councillor Helen Lee, who are the outgoing Mayor and Deputy Mayor, for the leadership and support they carried out in their previous roles.
“It was a great pleasure to work alongside both of you.
“I wish to congratulate Mayor Tony Jack, Deputy Mayor Judy MacFarlane and the Councillors on their successful election and look forward to the continuation of a strong collaboration between Councillors and the senior management staff as we work as one to deliver a sustainable, viable and vibrant Roper Gulf region to its constituents”, Marc said.
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Media Contact:
Bethany O’SULLIVAN | Communications Officer | (08) 8972 9024
Image details:
Back row (left to right): Acting Chief Executive Officer Marc GARDNER, Cr. Edwin NUNGGUMAJBARR, Cr. David MURRUNGUN, Cr. John DALYWATER, Cr. Gadrian HOOSAN, Cr. Owen TURNER and Cr. Samuel EVANS
Front row (left to right): Cr. Jana DANIELS, Cr. Annabelle DAYLIGHT, Cr. Selina ASHLEY, Mayor Tony JACK, Deputy Mayor Judy MacFARLANE, Cr. Helen LEE, and Cr. Patricia FARRELL