Each community and township in our region has its own Local Authority group and members are appointed to the Local Authority by Council.
A Local Authority is made up of people who live in a community and are selected on the basis of their capacity to contribute to the effective functioning of the community. The involvement of young people is strongly encouraged to reflect the median age of our region, which is 29 years old.
The size of the Local Authority should reflect the community size and structure, representing key groups in the community. The number of community members that a Local Authority should have is a minimum of six (6) appointed members and up to a maximum of fourteen (14) overall members.
Local Authority Policy
Roper Gulf Regional Council has adopted the Local Authority Policy that will ensure the effective administration of Local Authorities by way of:
- Providing advice to the Council on service delivery plans, including infrastructure requirements for communities and associated outstations, or local region or wards, and to contribute to the development of Council’s annual Regional Plans;
- Alerting and advising the Council on new and emerging issues within the scope of Council activity;
- Advising on specific Council, community and social projects that impact on the community or region;
- Advising and supporting Council staff in the local implementation of the Regional Plan, particularly in the area of cross-cultural best practice in governance and service delivery; and
- Responding to identified community needs, if appropriate, by participating in and organising activities such as community events, youth, community safety, housing advice, community planning and infrastructure development.
More Information
Under the Local Government Act 2019, Local Authority members are entitled to the following allowance for attending a Local Authority meeting:
- Local Authority members: 107 Revenue Units per meeting
- Chairperson of the Local Authority meeting (must be a Local Authority member): 143 revenue units per meeting
Local Authority members are subject to Roper Gulf Regional Council’s Members' Code of Conduct and Member Disciplinary Policy.
For the latest information, agendas, minutes and dates for Local Authority meetings, click here
For a full list of our current Local Authority members, click here
To download a PDF copy of the Local Authority handbook, click here