On the 15th January young people from the towns of Beswick, Barunga and Manyallaluk went on holiday for three days to one of the better known tourist destination in the Northern Territory, Mt Bundy Tourist Station.
Mt Bundy is located just out of Adelaide River and is popular with visitors from Australia and around the world as a place experience Territory and station life. Even for our young campers, all from very remote communities, this experience was new and exciting.
The camping event away from families helps build independence and self confidence while expands life opportunities.
The young people chosen to participate in the camp displayed solid school attendance last year. This camp was a reward for such commitment.
“This was a different type of camp for us” said Mary Cunningham, the Roper Gulf Regional Council Sport and Recreation Development Officer.
“Mt Bundy Station is such a good camp and quite a different experience for our kids.
As well as all the activities of station life, they got do Tai Chi, which was very popular and they also had an inspirational session with the Fit for Life team which focused on leadership. The special dinner prepared by the Station one night was really enjoyed by everyone.” Mary enthused.
Other than the special dinner Mary said the campers prepared their own meals and completed all chores as a group, enthusiastically and largely without prompting.
“Another experience was when the kids decided to do a visit to the grave of the original station owner and did a small ceremony to thank him for welcoming them to his station. This is the traditional way of acknowledging when visiting others land. The kids had read his story at the homestead and asked permission of the station hosts to visit the isolated grave site.”
Another smaller camp is being planned for some young people from Bulman who were unable to come to the Mt Bundy Camp due to flooding closing the Central Arnhem Highway.
The Holiday was funded under a Youth Vibes Grant and was organised by Roper Gulf Sport Recreation Staff and volunteers.
“I hope we will be able to offer similar experiences in the near future to acknowledge and encourage good school attendance” said Mary.
In the meantime there is no rest for the Sport and Recreation team who are already planning the next round of school holiday programs across our towns.
For further details please direct your enquiries to Michael Berto, CEO Roper Gulf Regional Council on 08 8972 9000.