Elected Members

Our Council is made up of 13 Elected Members that represent each ward in the Roper Gulf region. View a list of all Councillors and find out which Councillor represents your community

Meet our Council

The fourth Roper Gulf Regional Council was sworn in on Wednesday 29 September 2021 at its inaugural Ordinary Meeting of Council. At the meeting, South West Gulf Ward Councillor Tony Jack was appointed Mayor for the four (4) year term of Government and Never Never Ward Councillor Judy MacFarlane was appointed Deputy Mayor for a two (2) year term.

Mayor Tony Jack portrait

Tony Jack


Tony Jack was elected as Mayor of Roper Gulf Regional Council in the 2021 Elections. Mayor Jack is from Robinson River (Borroloola) and represents the South West Gulf Ward. 

Cr. Helen Lee portrait

Helen Lee

Deputy Mayor

Councillor Lee is from Barunga and represents the Nyirranggulung Ward (Manyallaluk, Barunga, Beswick and Bulman).

Cr. Selina Ashley portrait

Cr. Selina Ashley


Councillor Ashley is from Beswick and represents the Nyirranggulung Ward (Manyallaluk, Barunga, Beswick and Bulman).

Cr. John Dalywater portrait

Cr. John Dalywater


Councillor Dalywater is from Bulman and represents the Nyirranggulung Ward (Manyallaluk, Barunga, Beswick and Bulman).

Cr. Annabelle Daylight portrait

Cr. Annabelle Daylight


Councillor Daylight is from Jilkminggan and represents the Never Never Ward (Mataranka, Jilkminggan, Minyerri, Larrimah and Daly Waters).

Cr. Patricia Farrell portrait

Cr. Patricia Farrell


Councillor Farrell is from Minyerri and represents the Never Never Ward (Mataranka, Jilkminggan, Minyerri, Larrimah and Daly Waters).

Councillor Edna Iles headshot

Cr. Edna Iles


Councillor Iles is from Minyerri and represents the Never Never Ward (Mataranka, Jilkminggan, Minyerri, Larrimah and Daly Waters).

Cr. Owen Turner portrait

Cr. Owen Turner


Councillor Turner is from Ngukurr and represents the Yugul Mangi Ward (Ngukurr and Urapunga).

Councillor Melissa Andrews-Wurramarrba

Cr. Melissa Andews-Wurramarrba


Councillor Melissa Andews-Wurramarrba represents the Yugul Mangi Ward (Ngukurr and Urapunga).

Councillor Melissa Andews-Wurramarrba was appointed on the 4th of December 2024.

Cr. Kathy-Anne Numamurdirdi portrait

Cr. Kathy-Anne Numamurdirdi


Councillor Numamurdirdi is from Numbulwar and represents the Numbulwar Numburindi Ward (Numbulwar).

Councillor Numamurdirdi was elected in a by-election held in June 2022 after the resignation of David Murrungun.

Edwin Nunggamajbarr

Cr. Edwin Nunggumajbarr


Councillor Nunggumajbarr is from Numbulwar and represents the Numbulwar Numburindi Ward (Numbulwar).

Cr. Samuel Evans portrait

Cr. Samuel Evans


Councillor Evans is from Borroloola and represents the South West Gulf Ward (Borroloola and Robinson River)

Cr. Gadrian Hoosan portrait

Cr. Gadrian Hoosan


Councillor Hoosan is from Borroloola and represents the South West Gulf Ward (Borroloola and Robinson River)

More Information

Elected Members' Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct for Elected Members is prescribed at Schedule 1 of the Local Government Act 2019 and may be accessed here for quick reference.

Elected Members' Code of Conduct

The Complaints process pertaining to alleged breaches of the Code of Conduct by Elected Members is outlined at Part 7.4 of the Local Government Act 2019.

A person who wishes to make a formal complaint about an Elected Member must do so in writing (form below) and:

a) must submit a Statutory Declaration that includes:

  1. the name of the Elected Member who is in the subject of the Complaint;
  2. particulars (details) of the alleged breach of the Code of Conduct;
  3. must be made within three (3) months of the alleged breach of the Code of Conduct.

b) the Complaint Form and Statutory Declaration must be submitted:

  • electronically via email or;
  • in person at one of Council’s public offices; or
  • via post at P.O. Box 1321, Katherine NT 0850

Click here for the Breach of Code of Conduct Complaint Form 

Elected Member Allowances

Under the Local Government Act 2019, Roper Gulf Regional Council’s Elected Members are entitled to various allowances for their service.

Download the Elected Member allowances 2022-23

In addition, those Elected Members who sit on Council committees receive the following additional allowances:

  • Extra meeting allowance for attendance at a committee meeting: $125.00 per meeting (maximum claimable $8,561.59 per Elected Member)
  • Acting Principal Member allowance: $254.42 per day (maximum claimable 90 days/$22,897.80)

To download the Elected Member allowances for previous three (3) financial years, click on the corresponding link below:

Elected Member allowances 2021-22

Elected Member allowances 2020-21

Elected Member allowances 2019-20

Elected Member allowances 2018-19

Elected Member allowances 2017-18

Elected Member allowances 2016-17

Elected Member allowances 2015-16

Elected Member allowances 2014-15

Council Subsidiaries

Roper Gulf Regional Council is a member of CouncilBIZ, which is a Local Government Subsidiary as defined by the Local Government Act 2019.