Quick snapshot
681 people reside in Numbulwar with a median age of 30 years old (Census 2021)
The people of Numbulwar speak Kriol, Nunggubuyu, Anindilyakwa, Wagilak and English.
There are nine Outstations around Numbulwar. These are Wuyagiba, Andanangki (Walker River), Yillila, Dharrari, Alharrgan, Yimidarri (Wandu), Wumajbarr, Markalawa and Waldharr (Harris Creek)
Numbulwar Council Office, Lot 93 Numbulwar NT 0822
Postal Address: CMB 17 Numbulwar Via Winnellie NT 0822
Phone: (08) 8972 9099
Located in the Numbulwar Numburindi ward, Numbulwar can be found at the mouth of the Rose River, on the western coast of the Gulf of Carpentaria and adjacent to Groote Eylandt. Numbulwar is approximately 476 kilometres east of Katherine.
During the dry season Numbulwar can be accessed by road. Travel time from Darwin via Katherine along the Roper Highway is approximately 10-12 hours via the Roper River and Ngukurr communities. Travel time from Nhulunbuy via Walker River and Harris Creek is approximately 4-6 hours. In both cases a 4WD is essential.
Numbulwar is also accessible by air and has an all-weather, sealed airstrip linked to the community via a five (5) kilometre dirt road. Travel time to Alyangula, Groote Eylandt is 30 minutes, and to Nhulunbuy is one (1) hour. There is a fortnightly freight barge service from Darwin to Numbulwar.
Please be advised that Numbulwar is a closed community; a Northern Land Council (NLC) permit is required to visit this community.
Local Authority
An integral part of the community consultation process in Numbulwar occurs through Numbulwar Local Authority Meetings. The Local Authority is made up of the Elected Member/s who sit on Council for the Numbulwar-Numburindi Ward and are nominated representatives from the community. All stakeholders in Numbulwar are invited to attend the Local Authority Meetings. The resolutions made at these meetings form the basis of all planning made by Roper Gulf Regional Council.
To attend a Numbulwar Local Authority Meeting, click here
To view our Local Authority Meeting dates, agendas and minutes, click here
This information is sourced from the Northern Territory Government and is available on BushTel.
Service Type | Available | Details |
Regular Transport Service | Yes | Note these services may be affected by wet season flooding (08) 8971 0774 |
Fuel | Yes | Opal and Diesel available in the community. Puma fuel cards accepted |
Commercial Accommodation | Yes | Roper Gulf Regional Council Accommodation |
Community Store | Yes | Numbulwar Community Store (08) 8975 4083 |
Airstrip | Yes | Sealed (3km from the community) |
Health Centre | Yes | Primary Health Care delivered at Numbulwar Community Health Centre by Top End Health Service (08) 8975 4670 |
Alcohol | No | Alcohol Protected Area and General Restricted Area |
Police Station | Yes | Numbulwar Police Station (08) 8975 4183 |
School | Yes | Numbulwar School (08) 8975 4650 |
Council Service Delivery Centre | Yes | |
Mobile Phone, Internet & Radio | Yes | There are currently two public telephones in Numbulwar and also Telstra 3G telephone and internet coverage. The Remote Indigenous Broadcasting Service (RIBS) program offers local radio in Numbulwar. |
Post Office | Yes | Post Office located at Council Service Delivery Centre |
Early Childcare Centre | Yes | |
Aged Care Centre | Yes | Council operates an Aged Care Centre at Lot |