About Us
In the heart of Australia lies a majestic expanse where Roper Gulf Regional Council proudly operates, offering an array of essential corporate, community, and infrastructure services.

Roper Gulf Regional Council has established several committees to assist it with meeting its legislated obligations. Learn more about our committees here

Elected Members
Our Council is made up of 13 Elected Members that represent each ward in the Roper Gulf region. View a list of all Councillors and find out which Councillor represents your community
Executive Team
The Executive Team provides advice to Council, is responsible for management of the region, is involved in top-level decision making and monitors compliance, service delivery and major projects.

Increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of the organisation, including in engagement with staff members, residents and external stakeholders

Local Authorities
Local Authorities have been formed to ensure the involvement of remote communities in the system of local government
View a list of upcoming dates and decisions made previously by the Council. Find out how Council meetings work and how you can get involved

Keep up to date with the latest news, events and activities in the Roper Gulf region