A Generous Donation of Secondhand Skateboards

Stock image of old skateboard

Roper Gulf Regional Council would like to thank Murray Turner from Lindsell Hoists TM who has sent 200 skateboards and helmets up from Melbourne, Victoria, to be distributed to the remote communities in the Roper Gulf region.

The skateboards are all second hand and have been donated by children from all around the eastern states of Australia. This is an extremely generous donation and we are very thankful to Murray and the children who donated!

The skateboards have arrived safely at our Katherine Support Centre and will be distributed to communities in the new year in conjunction with some skateboarding lessons.

Media Contact:

Bethany O’SULLIVAN | Communications Officer | (08) 8972 9024 

Packing skateboards for donation
All 200 skateboards being packed at Lindsell Hoists in Melbourne to be sent up to Katherine